Using Chat from within Outlook on the web

Have you ever been reading an email and think that you really need to chat with that particular individual? That usually means switching over to Microsoft Teams to start the chat. But if you use Outlook on the web, you can start the chat from within Outlook! Here’s how that works…

Starting a Microsoft Teams chat with a distribution list

There’s probably been more than one occasion when you’ve wanted to start a group chat with a number of people, and all those people happen to belong to a certain distribution list. Instead of typing in each name individually to start the group chat, wouldn’t it be nice to just use the distribution list to populate the names? Well, now you can! Here’s how that works…

Pinning a chat message in Microsoft Teams

When you’re in a busy one-on-one or group chat, there’s a chance that an important message might scroll off the screen before you have a chance to see it and reply. You now have the ability to pin a chat message to the top of the screen where it will remain until it’s unpinned or replaced. Here’s how that works…