Adding images in Microsoft chats and conversations

Recently we discovered that a new change has rolled out to our tenant when it comes to image files attached to a Microsoft Teams chat or channel conversation. Instead of the file just showing as a file name (with no clue as to what the image looks like), it now shows the actual image! And, if needed, you can still download the image file if you need to. Here’s what it looks like and how that works…

Using my personal chat space, I can add an image to the chat by clicking on Upload from this device or Attach cloud files:

The Windows File Explorer dialog box shows up, and you can pick the image you want to add to the chat or channel. Once you select the file, click Open:

The file uploads to the chat, but it initially just shows the file name. To add it to the chat, click the Send icon:

Voila! The file name changes to the actual image, and you can see what the image looks like without having to click on it or download it in a separate step:

Now, if you *do* need to download that image file, just click on the image. The Teams display launches a new screen that shows the image, along with an icon to click to download the file. Click the Download icon and you’ll now have a copy of that image file for your own use:

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