Exporting Microsoft Teams wikis to OneNote

As if there are not enough migrations going on already… Microsoft has deprecated the Wiki application in Microsoft Teams, and you will need to export the contents of your standard channel wikis to the OneNote application that is part of your Microsoft Teams space. Fortunately, there is a tool that will do that export for you. Here’s how to make that happen…

If you click on the wiki tab at the top of your Teams standard channel, you’ll see a message telling you about the tabs going away in July. Click on the Get details button to start the export process:

A panel shows up to tell you what to expect when you export your wiki. When ready, click on Export to Notes:

The Exporting your wiki panel will show on the screen while the export is occurring:

When done, click Finish to be taken to the OneNote application in the Teams space:

You’ll see the notebook for the Teams space, and the export will have created a new section named after the channel you exported, and one page in the section for each of the wiki pages:

It’s best at this point in time to remove the wiki tab so that people do not continue to update the content there.

Here are the dates to keep in mind for the deprecation of wikis (via Export a wiki to a OneNote notebook in Microsoft Teams):

What’s the timeline for Wiki’s deprecation?

Wiki will be retired along the following stages: 

Stage 1: July 2023

Users won’t be able to create new wikis, but they will be able to access—that is, read and write for—their existing wikis. Users can also export their content to OneNote. Once a user has done so, the Wiki version will be read-only.

After exporting, each wiki in a channel will appear as a separate section in OneNote, and each wiki page will be a separate OneNote page.  

Stage 2: Mid-2023

In this stage, channels’ Wiki tabs will no longer be supported. Users will still be able to access—that is, read and write—content in the Wiki app. It will be easy to navigate from the deprecated channel Wiki tabs to the Wiki app. Users will also be able to export their content to OneNote. As in Stage 1, it will no longer be possible to create new wikis. 

Stage 3: January 2024

From this point onward, neither Wiki tabs nor the Wiki app will be accessible through Teams. Users will no longer have the ability to export their wikis. However, users will still be able to download their wiki files from SharePoint. 

For more information, check out the following articles:

Export a wiki to a OneNote notebook in Microsoft Teams

Now in public preview: Future of wiki and Notes in Teams

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