Pinning an email to the top of your browser-based Outlook inbox

Have you ever had an important email that you want to keep at the top of your inbox no matter how old it is? You can do that in the browser-based version of Outlook by pinning it. Here’s how that looks…

Here’s a picture of my inbox, and I want the draft email to Kayla to be at the top of the inbox since I need to work on it:

When I hover over that email entry, I see a number of icons. To pin the email to the top of my inbox, I click on the push pin icon:

That email will now stay at the top of the inbox. To remove the pinning, I just click on the push pin one more time:

This is a great technique to make sure that one important email doesn’t slip through the cracks…

PLEASE NOTE: This does not work in the Outlook client, nor does your pinned email show at the top of the inbox in the Outlook client.

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